Results for 'Joel Rolim Mancia'

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    Production and Consumption of Science in a Global Context.Joel Rolim Mancia & Denise Gastaldo - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (2):65-66.
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  2. Seeing mind in action.Joel Krueger - 2012 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 11 (2):149-173.
    Much recent work on empathy in philosophy of mind and cognitive science has been guided by the assumption that minds are composed of intracranial phenomena, perceptually inaccessible and thus unobservable to everyone but their owners. I challenge this claim. I defend the view that at least some mental states and processes—or at least some parts of some mental states and processes—are at times visible, capable of being directly perceived by others. I further argue that, despite its initial implausibility, this view (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Intuition.Joel Pust - 2017 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This entry addresses the nature and epistemological role of intuition by considering the following questions: (1) What are intuitions?, (2) What roles do they serve in philosophical (and other “armchair”) inquiry?, (3) Ought they serve such roles?, (4) What are the implications of the empirical investigation of intuitions for their proper roles?, and (5) What is the content of intuitions prompted by the consideration of hypothetical cases?
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  4. Probabilistic coherence and proper scoring rules.Joel Predd, Robert Seiringer, Elliott Lieb, Daniel Osherson, H. Vincent Poor & Sanjeev Kulkarni - 2009 - IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55 (10):4786-4792.
    We provide self-contained proof of a theorem relating probabilistic coherence of forecasts to their non-domination by rival forecasts with respect to any proper scoring rule. The theorem recapitulates insights achieved by other investigators, and clarifi es the connection of coherence and proper scoring rules to Bregman divergence.
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  5. Legal Paternalism.Joel Feinberg - 1971 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):105 - 124.
    The principle of legal paternalism justifies state coercion to protect individuals from self-inflicted harm, or in its extreme version, to guide them, whether they like it or not, toward their own good. Parents can be expected to justify their interference in the lives of their children on the ground that “daddy knows best.” legal paternalism seems to imply that since the state often can know the interests of individual citizens better than the citizens know them themselves, it stands as a (...)
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    Moral Moments: An Immortal Pair Passes.Joel Marks - 2003 - Philosophy Now 42:45-45.
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  7. Empathy, enaction, and shared musical experience.Joel Krueger - 2013 - In Tom Cochrane, Bernardino Fantini & Klaus R. Scherer, The Emotional Power of Music: Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social control. Oxford University Press. pp. 177-196.
  8. Emotions and Other Minds.Joel Krueger - 2014 - In Rudiger Campe & Julia Weber, Interiority/Exteriority: Rethinking Emotion. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 324-350.
  9.  20
    King and Kin: Political Allegory in the Hebrew Bible.Gary A. Rendsburg & Joel Rosenberg - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (2):294.
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    Naturalists, Molecular Biologists, and the Challenges of Molecular Evolution.Joel B. Hagen - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (2):321 - 341.
    Biologists and historians often present natural history and molecular biology as distinct, perhaps conflicting, fields in biological research. Such accounts, although supported by abundant evidence, overlook important areas of overlap between these areas. Focusing upon examples drawn particularly from systematics and molecular evolution, I argue that naturalists and molecular biologists often share questions, methods, and forms of explanation. Acknowledging these interdisciplinary efforts provides a more balanced account of the development of biology during the post-World War II era.
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  11. Hybrid Models, Climate Models, and Inference to the Best Explanation.Joel Katzav - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (1):107-129.
    I examine the warrants we have in light of the empirical successes of a kind of model I call ‘ hybrid models ’, a kind that includes climate models among its members. I argue that these warrants ’ strengths depend on inferential virtues that are not just explanatory virtues, contrary to what would be the case if inference to the best explanation provided the warrants. I also argue that the warrants in question, unlike those IBE provides, guide inferences only to (...)
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  12. Pointwise definable models of set theory.Joel David Hamkins, David Linetsky & Jonas Reitz - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (1):139-156.
    A pointwise definable model is one in which every object is \loos definable without parameters. In a model of set theory, this property strengthens $V=\HOD$, but is not first-order expressible. Nevertheless, if \ZFC\ is consistent, then there are continuum many pointwise definable models of \ZFC. If there is a transitive model of \ZFC, then there are continuum many pointwise definable transitive models of \ZFC. What is more, every countable model of \ZFC\ has a class forcing extension that is pointwise definable. (...)
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  13. Health for Whom? Bioethics and the Challenge of Justice for Genomic Medicine.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (S1):2-5.
    The guiding premise from which this special report begins is the conviction and hope that justice is at the normative heart of medicine and that it is the perpetual task of bioethics to bring concerns of justice to bear on medical practice. On such an account, justice is medicine's lifeblood, that by which it contributes to life as opposed to diminishing it. It is in this larger, historical, intersectional, critical, and ethically minded context that we must approach pressing questions facing (...)
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  14. The Phenomenology of Person Perception.Joel Krueger - 2014 - In Mark Bruhn & Donald Wehrs, Neuroscience, Literature, and History. Routledge. pp. 153-173.
  15.  83
    Laws of Nature or Panpsychism?Joel Dolbeault - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (1-2):87-110.
    The idea that there are ‘laws of nature’ is a widespread scientific opinion. On the one hand, I argue that this idea has the crucial function to explain the obvious similarities of physical processes. On the other hand, I show that this idea can be replaced by the hypothesis supporting that a minimal consciousness immanent to matter governs its processes. This latter hypothesis may seem surprising, but compared to that of laws, it is more empirical in the sense that it (...)
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    La constitución de la democracia.Joel I. Colon-Rios - 2013 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
    El conjunto de ensayos que el lector tiene entre sus manos expresa un cuerpo sistemático de ideas provocadoras sobre la tensión entre el constitucionalismo y la democracia. Su autor, el profesor Joel Colón-Ríos, boricua, formado en las dos facultades de derecho canadienses de mayor renombre, e investigador de una de las mejores universidades de Oceanía, las ha fraguado a lo largo de más de un lustro y debatido con gran éxito ante la elite intelectual de Norteamérica. La propuesta central (...)
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  17. Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism.Joel Smith & Peter Sullivan (eds.) - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Kant's introduction of a distinctive form of philosophical investigation and proof, known as transcendental, inaugurated a new philosophical tradition. Transcendental Philosophy and Naturalism assesses the present state and contemporary relevance of this tradition. The contributors aim to understand the theoretical structures involved in transcendental explanation, and to assess the contemporary relevance of the transcendental orientation, in particular with respect to contemporary philosophical naturalism. These issues are approached from both naturalistic and transcendental perspectives.
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    Descartes on the Identity of Passion and Action.Joel A. Schickel - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (6):1067 - 1084.
    According to the standard Aristotelian doctrine of the identity of passion and action (Ipa), a passion and the action with which it is identified are distinguished through a distinction of reason, and both passion and action are located in the patient. Descartes has recently been interpreted by some scholars to be rejecting Ipa in favor of a view that throws into contention a dualistic interpretation of his philosophy of mind. This article contends that Descartes did hold Ipa, albeit expressed in (...)
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  19. Disability and the problem of suffering.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (8):547-547.
    I am grateful to Philip Reed for his article ‘Expressivism at the Beginning and End of Life’. His piece compellingly demonstrates the import of expanding analyses concerning the expressivist thesis beyond the reproductive sphere to the end-of-life sphere. I hope that his intervention spurns further work on this connection. In what follows, I want to focus on what I take to be moments of slippage in his use of the concept of disability, a slippage to which many disability theorists succumb. (...)
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    (1 other version)Scientific Reasoning or Damage Control: Alternative Proposals for Reasoning with Inconsistent Representations of the World.Joel M. Smith - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:241 - 248.
    Inconsistent representations of the world have in fact played and should play a role in scientific inquiry. However, it would seem that logical analysis of such representations is blocked by the explosive nature of deductive inference from inconsistent premisses. "Paraconsistent logics" have been suggested as the proper way to remove this impediment and to make explication of the logic of inconsistent scientific theories possible. I argue that installing paraconsistent logic as the underlying logic for scientific inquiry is neither a necessary (...)
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    The Impact of Analogies on Creative Concept Generation: Lessons From an In Vivo Study in Engineering Design.Joel Chan & Christian Schunn - 2015 - Cognitive Science 39 (1):126-155.
    Research on innovation often highlights analogies from sources outside the current problem domain as a major source of novel concepts; however, the mechanisms underlying this relationship are not well understood. We analyzed the temporal interplay between far analogy use and creative concept generation in a professional design team's brainstorming conversations, investigating the hypothesis that far analogies lead directly to very novel concepts via large steps in conceptual spaces . Surprisingly, we found that concepts were more similar to their preceding concepts (...)
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    Troisième Table Ronde. Sciences de la nature, sciences de l'Homme et réflexion.Hervé Barreau, Joël Gaubert & Lucien Guirlinger - 2006 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 1:87-96.
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    Cortical excitability modulates the sensory strength of visual mental imagery.Keogh Rebecca & Pearson Joel - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  24. Sampaio Bruno.Joel Serrão - 1958 - Lisboa,: Editorial Inquérito.
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    ‘In the Court of a Great King’: Some Remarks on Leo Strauss’ Introduction to the Guide of the Perplexed.Matthew Joel Sharpe - 2011 - Sophia 50 (3):413-427.
    In the second half of this essay, we continue our reading of Leo Strauss’ important later essay on Maimonides, ‘How to Begin to Study the Guide of the Perplexed’. Our method is to try, as best as we are able, to read this essay as Strauss directs us to read esoteric texts in Persecution and the Art of Writing. As a means of testing and attempting to confirm our reading of this difficult later essay on Maimonides, we will close by (...)
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    The importance of iteration in creative conceptual combination.Joel Chan & Christian D. Schunn - 2015 - Cognition 145:104-115.
  27. Arguments from the Priority of Feeling in Contemporary Emotion Theory and Max Scheler’s Phenomenology.Joel M. Potter - 2012 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (1):215-225.
    Many so-called “cognitivist” theories of the emotions account for the meaningfulness of emotions in terms of beliefs or judgments that are associated or identified with these emotions. In recent years, a number of analytic philosophers have argued against these theories by pointing out that the objects of emotions are sometimes meaningfully experienced before one can take a reflective stance toward them. Peter Goldie defends this point of view in his book The Emotions: A Philosophical Exploration. Goldie argues that emotions are (...)
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  28. Is Darwinism a Metaphysical Research Program? Analysis and Discussion of Karl Popper’s Position.Joel Dolbeault - 2023 - In Richard G. Delisle, Maurizio Esposito & David Ceccarelli, Unity and Disunity in Evolutionary Biology. Springer. pp. 247–274.
    Whether defended or criticized, Darwinism is generally considered a scientific theory. However, Popper contests this point. According to him, Darwinism (defined as the explanation of evolution by natural selection) is less a scientific theory than a metaphysical research program: a theoretical framework that has a heuristic function for science, but that does not fulfill the necessary condition for any science, namely testability. In terms of deconstructing Darwinism, Popper’s position is therefore interesting. It raises the question of the scientificity of Darwinism. (...)
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    On the Virtues of Cursory Scientific Reductions.Joel K. Press - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):1189-1199.
    Many philosophers accept a nonreductive physicalist view of at least some special sciences, which is to say that while they assert that each particular referent of any special science term is identical to some referent of a physical term, or token physicalism, they deny that special science types are identical to physical types. The most commonly cited reason for this position is Jerry Fodor's antireductionist argument based on the multiple realizability of many special science terms. I argue that if token (...)
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  30. Panpsychism in Bergson and James.Joel Dolbeault - 2022 - Bergsoniana 2:155-176.
    The aim of this article is to show that Bergson and James defend a form of panpsychism, and that on this point, Bergson probably had an influence on James. For Bergson, matter has psychic characters, in particular a memory of the immediate past and a motor memory. These characters are necessary to explain causation within the physical world, understood then as analogous to automatic activity in living beings. However, according to Bergson, there is a radical distinction between the inert and (...)
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    Libertarianism without alternative possibilities.Joël Dolbeault - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (2):101-114.
    In the contemporary debate on free will, most philosophers assume that the defense of libertarianism implies the defense of the notion of alternative possibilities. This article discusses this presupposition by showing that it is possible to build a libertarianism without alternative possibilities, apparently more robust than libertarianism with alternative possibilities. Inspired by Bergson, this nonclassical libertarianism challenges the idea that all causation implies the actualization of a predetermined possibility (an idea shared by determinism and classical libertarianism). Moreover, it challenges the (...)
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  32. An anarchy of man : Cartesian and post-Cartesian representations of the self in selected Western literature.Joel Spencer - unknown
    This Master of Arts thesis is in two parts: a novel, An Anarchy of Man, and an exegesis which places the novel in relation to philosophical concerns about the self and the way those concerns are portrayed in selected works of Western literature. The novel is set in Canberra and Sydney and tells the story of the relationship between two characters: Joe and Gin. It explores the way we in the modern Western world think about ourselves and those around us. (...)
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    What exactly is central to the role of central neuroplasticity in persistent pain?Terence J. Coderre & Joel Katz - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):483-486.
    The commentaries on our target article have raised important issues about central neuroplasticity and its role in persistent pain states. Some suggest that central neuroplasticity plays nothing more than a minor role in persistent pain, while others argue that persistent pain depends critically on peripheral inputs for its maintenance. Some stress that persistent pain relies to a large extent on changes in the brain and on centrifugal inputs from brain to spinal cord, whereas others argue that it depends on alterations (...)
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    Constituent power: A history By LuciaRubinelli, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020Constituent power in the European Union By MarkusPatberg, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.Joel I. Colón-Ríos - 2023 - Constellations 30 (4):482-485.
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    Electron irradiation-enhanced core/shell organization of AlSi dispersoids in Al–Mg–Si alloys.Camille Flament, Joël Ribis, Jérôme Garnier, Thierry Vandenberghe, Jean Henry & Alexis Deschamps - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (8):906-917.
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    The Local Politics of Underdevelopment.Rachel Samoff & Joel Samoff - 1976 - Politics and Society 6 (4):397-432.
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    Reply to Dale Jamieson and Marc Bekoff.Kenneth Joel Shapiro - unknown
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    Providing a Medical Excuse to Organ Donor Candidates Who Feel Trapped: A Reply to Spital's Concerns.Mary Simmerling & Joel Frader - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (1).
  39. The Status of Status: Boethian Realism in Abelard.Joel M. Potter - 2009 - Carmina Philosophiae 18:127-135.
    Peter Abelard's claim that universals are only words is well known, yet its metaphysical bearing for Abelard's philosophy is much disputed. Peter King has recently suggested that Abelard's nominalism is only an element of his larger irrealist metaphysic. Against this interpretation, I argue that Abelard's view is better understood as a form of moderate realism and a development of the solution attempted by Boethius in his Second Commentary on Porphyry's Isagoge. Both Abelard and Boethius clearly deny the independent existence of (...)
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  40. ""Introduction: What" Really" Happens When Disasters Happen: Preparations and Responses.Joel Towers - 2008 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 75 (3):815-818.
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    Transhumanism: How Far Is Too Far?Joel Thompson - 2017 - The New Bioethics 23 (2):165-182.
    Transhumanism promises us freedom from the biological limitations inherent in our nature. It aims to enhance physical, emotional and cognitive capacities thus opening up new possibilities and horizons of experience. Since many transhumanist aspirations resemble those within the domain of religion, this paper compares Christian ethics to transhumanist ethics with respect to the body and the environment and offers a critique of transhumanism. Three areas of contention are discussed: the modification of our given human nature, the radical extension of our (...)
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    (1 other version)Das logische Recht der Kantischen Tafel der Urteile.Karl Joël - 1922 - Kant Studien 27 (1-2):298-327.
  43.  89
    On 'The Slippery Slope'.Joel Rudinow - 1974 - Analysis 34 (5):173 - 176.
    An argument, Based on the continuity of the gestation process, Which purports to show that the fetus is, From the moment of conception, A bearer of rights, Is criticized. The criticism is then located within a strategy for the defense of abortion.
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  44. Mind and Machine.Joel Walmsley - 2012 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Walmsley offers a succinct introduction to major philosophical issues in artificial intelligence for advanced students of philosophy of mind, cognitive science and psychology. Whilst covering essential topics, it also provides the student with the chance to engage with cutting edge debates.
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  45. Die Lehre des Socrates als sociales Reform-system.A. Dörino & K. Joël - 1896 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4 (1):86-117.
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    The New Papyrological Primer.J. Joel Farber & P. W. Pestman - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (3):542.
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    Obowiązki człowieka i prawa zwierząt.Joel Feinberg - 1980 - Etyka 18:11-38.
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  48. Theological and ordinate dimension of human action in Saint Augustine.Joel Gracioso - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (s1):11-30.
    A busca da vida feliz e o caminho que nos leva até ela, sempre se colocou como um dos grandes pilares das reflexões de Santo Agostinho. O presente trabalho tem a intenção de apresentar alguns aspectos da ética agostiniana, principalmente a noção de ordo amoris. The pursuit of the happy life, and the path to it, is one of the most important themes of St. Augustine's ethics. This work intends to give a brief summary of his ethical thinking, focusing on (...)
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    Hyperbola-like discounting, impulsivity, and the analysis of will.Leonard Green & Joel Myerson - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):655-656.
    Ainslie's insightful treatment of dynamically inconsistent choice stands in contrast to traditional views in psychology, economics, and philosophy. We comment on the form of the discounting function and on new findings regarding choice between delayed rewards. Finally, we argue that the positive correlation between temporal and probability discounting is inconsistent with the view that impulsivity represents a unitary trait.
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    Examining Physician Interactions with Disease Advocacy Organizations.Caroline Horrow, Joel E. Pacyna, Carol Cosenza & Richard R. Sharp - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:1-9.
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